Journey Through Grief


This amazing collection of The Spiral Pathway of Grief: A Traveler’s Guidebook by Grace Terry, a free 1/2 hour virtual session with a certified grief coach, and 12 Power word Postcards with handwritten messages that arrive in your mailbox once a month for a year offers great support during this very difficult time.  Buy for yourself and your friend or family member.

20 in stock (can be backordered)

    • 1.5 $

    Add personal handwritten message, includes postage

    • 25 $


Grief is very difficult.  Everyone goes through it in a different way.  The Journey Through Grief Pack is a collaborative effort between myself- Patti Mamalis and author Grace Terry.  This pack includes a copy of The Spiral Pathway of Grief A Traveler’s Guidebook, 12 handwritten Power word Postcards that are delivered once a month for a year, and a free 1/2 hour virtual session with  certified grief counselor Grace Terry.  We are all about inspiring motivating and supporting and with The Journey Through Grief pack you get a great deal of support for an entire year.